综合在线IT系统提供Integrated Online Systems Provider
深耕国际物流市场,已开放为国际物流单位设计提供专业在线系统,涵盖客户端系统(自注册,自订阅,业务记录,财务对账,电票管理...),报价管理,仓库管理,车辆调度,操作制单,业务追踪,进度通知,海关单证制单,财务结算,开票,办公OA等一系列模块化设计,个性化定制,欢迎电讯 info@speedmile.com
Specialized online system designed for international logistics. Encompasses series of modular including customer sys(self reg, op, finical), quotation rate program, warehouse management, truck dispatch, document operation, biz tracking, update notice, customs docs preparation, financial settlement and invoicing, as well as OA functions, etc. Customization is available. Welcome to enquire.